Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Kind-of crawling caught on tape, plus some waving

Hey, crawling and waving is big news. Here is the video I took earlier this morning especially for the Grandmas out there feeling the Holiday/Family confluence needs.

And the commentary off the flickr page:

Just trying to capture some of the early attempts and signs of crawling. I really believe we have little time left before she's scooting all over the house. Wanted to get this video shot and posted before she was full-tilt-boogie.

For the Grandmas, for X-mas.

Enjoy moving pictures on the holidays,


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Epic nap and book reading

Title says it all!

She's been getting into the little books we have for her lately. Last night I was reading Sheep in a Jeep to her (Thanks Auntie Kate!!) and she was turning the pages at the appropriate time. This was freaking out Brandon...kind of hilarious.

Pretty good read, I highly suggest it.

And then papa caught an epic nap on camera that was just too cute to not post.


There are more pictures on Flickr if you want to go and see!!

xxoo KT

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My how time flies...


So it's been a coons age since I posted anything here. It feels like millions of years have passed and then just mere seconds at the same time. I can't believe I have an 8 month old daughter when I was just newly pregnant a few days ago! That thing they say about time, it's true. It flies. I get it now. I can mark the march of my days forward in the bite sized milestones of another month under the baby's belt.

Here she is in what our friend Angie refers to as "her office". It's a big horrible lump of plastic and she loves it. GAH! We don't put her in it very often but boy, she gets a lot of mileage out of the time when she's there. Dealing with the Sun on a stick employee that is far to happy or putting Mr. Turtle-noisy-thing in his place are daily chores.

The Bear-mirror usually gets a talking too as well...

My sweet little girl is growing ever upward and onward. We're into the realm of 4 teeth now, two on the top and 2 on the bottom. She's putting them in place at an alarming rate. The nursing has been pretty status quo though I can feel the teeth when she nurses to sleep. There have been no chompings and I expect to keep it that way. I also expect to keep nursing for as long as she'll let me. She's a big, robust one, she is.

And such a patient child. She travels well, puts up with being hauled up to Redwind often, being outside for hours often, having a group of folks over every Friday night to game. She's a very gregarious child. Quick to smile and very into waving when you walk into the room and when you leave. A charmer, for sure.

We've also introduced a few weeks of swimming classes. It's sort of just "get in the pool" classes and it's a bit chilly but she's a trooper. I suspect we'll be doing more of that as she gets older since I want her to be able to swim like a fish and because she's an intensely physical child. Active at scooting around, grabbing, wanting to be held often, smacking on things...all of these things are just beginning to ramp up, I suspect.

She's also just finally figured out the stuff we've been putting in her mouth for the last month. Oh yeah, squash monster is in the house! She's also started sitting up in the highchairs when we go to restaurants! And man does she enjoy water. Just a little bit in her small plastic cup I overed from an event I was at (it's perfectly Vivian sized!) and she's thrilled! She get's some after every meal and it's really the highlight. That and the pears...those are a big hit too.

So time is marching on. I am just getting back into the swing of the digital camera and will endevour to post more pictures both here and on Facebook. I return to work full time in January and am gearing up to start studying again for my tests so we'll see how much free time I have. All of it will go to BP and Viv, I'm sure.

What's not to love?

Happy holidays if we don't get to see you! I'll take more pictures of the baby when it snows, as it inevitably will!


Sunday, November 29, 2009

Firsts, teeth and highchair

Hello all.

So, Ms. Viv is working on her 4th tooth. They are very elusive to photograph, but our friend Kate (or Shady, or Canukistani Kate) has pulled it off. First, here are some teeth [remember, you can click the picture for a larger version]:

Another photo just because it came out well. There are very few electronic thingies in Viv's world, so anything that beeps or lights up is majorly exciting. In this case, it's the baby monitor.

And lastly -- Vivian sitting in a restaurant high chair for the first time. We went out to our favorite Indian Buffet (Namaste, there's one on 82nd and Sandy now!) and decided to give the chair a try.

Lots of love to the Viv fans out there,


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Saturday Morning Video -- sitting up

Good morning folks!

Here is a nice long video of Ms. Viv sitting up and basically just hanging out on a Saturday morning.

New developmental landmarks:

Two teeth showing in her lower jaw (one on the side is coming in too, we suspect).

Sitting up nice and solidly now.

Actually eating a bit of food, instead of just mouthing and spitting out. (Yesterday, butternut squash)

New sounds, which of course didn't make it onto the video because the little black shiny thing was present which stops all novel activity.

On to the video!

11/14/09 Saturday Morning Sit Up

We thought a nice long video of Ms. Viv was appropriate this morning. Nothing crazy going on, just life -- cheeks, some verbalizations.

Enjoy moving picture updates,


[Note to self: Flickr cuts off video at 1:30 -- important information]

Monday, November 2, 2009

Grandmas, and Pears!

Two Grandma birthdays today -- what are the odds? So, I decided it was way way past time to load up the blog with a bunch of hot-off-the-presses baby photos.

We have a new camera, and the photos will now flow again. Thanks for your patience.

On to the pics:

So, first week of experimenting with solid food. We switched from butternut squash to pears (steamed) today. As you can tell by the look on her face here, this eating solid foods thing is new -- and... scary? Uncomfortable?

Ok so maybe not THAT bad after all eh?

Messy face, but cute nonetheless.

I love this look. It's beyond me to describe or interpret it -- but I love it.

"Here, let me get that"

"This substance... it intrigues me."

Ahhh, no more feeding.

My daughter doesn't look like this --- but.

Really, I don't know how I got her to look this way, low camera angle, big meal, ... she looks like a mob Kingpin. I had to post it.

Maybe this is her "'Das Riiight" look.

Happy Birthday Nana Povi and Nana Carol!

Enjoy change,


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Grandma Shirley Vivian Pictures, Oct. 12th

Holy crap it's been a month since we last posted here. Sorry folks, we're working on it honest. We're a patch cord away from being up with our new (graciously gifted -- thanks Mr. Pitts!) camera.

Grandma Shirley is visiting right now, and came bearing gifts. I'll get right to the pictures:

10/12/09 Viv in her chair

Vivian loves this chair. It came graciously via our neighbors, and is called a Prince Lionheart Bebe Pod. She loves the ability to sit up and be on her own. It holds her in wonderfully well, and is supposed to be really good for her muscular and neuro development. She also likes drumming on the little foam pad-thing in the middle. It's been great.

10/12/09 Viv's Toy Chest

Grandma Shirley, my sister Tammy and step-dad RJ all worked on this toy chest for Vivian. Mom delivered it on this trip. It's customized with not only snazzy paint and murals, but has a pinch-proof gap cut into the front and a nice hinge that will keep it from slamming up or down. It's going to be a real treasure.

10/12/09 Viv's toy chest - side bee

10/12/09 Viv's toy chest - side

10/12/09 Viv and Boris1

Mom got these pictures of Vivian and Boris sharing a cubey toy. Boris is going to be "that cat" for Vivian, I suspect. I predict being dragged around unceremoniously, and playing dress-up in his future.

10/12/09 Viv and Boris2

10/12/09 Viv and Boris3

10/12/09 Viv and Boris4

There ya go people, sorry to starve out the Vivian Fan Club for a full month, we'll endeavor to do better in the future,


Monday, September 14, 2009

Israel's pictures from Last Weekend (12th of Sept.)

Before we get fired by our parents, I thought we'd better get a post up.

Relying on other people's cameras, but got ya'll pictures nonetheless. Our dear friends Israel and Rachel visited last weekend, and Israel took some great photos of the kiddo. He's a photographer, so I aught to have expected that these would turn out well.

Instead of trying to interpolate comments I'll just say that that's Mr. Pitts a day back from West Africa looking very suave and debonair. Little Missy is teething, so you can see that lots of things are ending up in her mouth. And, as for Boris the Kitteh -- the distinction between baby toys and baby kitty toys is very very blurry.

Enjoy the writers of this blog getting off their keisters,


Monday, August 31, 2009

Time keeps on moving - Viv at almost 5 months!

Time flies when you don't have a camera! It's been a busy summer. We've been blueberry picking and canning. Just had our first big crop of tomatoes come in and did some putting up yesterday in between nap times.

We also added another little animal to our ever increasing brood...a kitten currently being called Ace. Name pending. He's a frisky, sweet, lovable little guy that we hope will fill the void left by Wapiti's passing for Jane. Jane just hasn't had anyone to play with and is bugging the old lady cat, Sula, who wants nothing to do with her. Enter Ace...let the tear-assing around the house begin! He is also going to be quite the companion for Tait...who is also nursing a sore heart from the passing of all boy cats this last year (RIP Pootie and Wapiti), tho he wouldn't tell you that.

In Vivland, I am continually amazed at how the child I put to bed the night before is a new and improved one the next morning. Smiles are abundant and come easily. She's gotten into the habit of smiling at strangers FIRST and then being shy / coy.

And somehow she's getting cuter, I wasn't sure that was possible.

Of course, I just sit around and drink tea all day, taking credit for having such a cute kid. Photographic evidence doesn't lie! HA!

There are signs that crawling is eminent. Tummy time happens on and off for most of the day. She's very alert and interested in her surroundings and especially anything that she can grab. This new found skill is becoming mighty unpopular with the long haired crowd we run around with. Several detanglings have already occurred.

All in all she's a champ and a trooper. She's really gotten comfortable in the car seat and being dragged around all over hell and gone, as our lifestyle dictates.

AND still skeptial of it all...good girl. She's got a good head on her shoulders. And I'm lucky to have her.

We're working on getting a new camera (with all the money falling from the sky) so bear with us folks...until then, thanks much to Shady Kate for spending Saturdays with Ms. Viv and I. She's been taking many a photograph of the bunny.

Camera, new flooring of some sort AND my CPA test prep program are the big purchases we'll somehow manage by the end of the year! That way she can crawl on something nice, we can photograph it and she can be proud of her mama finally kicking those tests and being done with all that nonsense! Some day!

Happy Monday!

Kt and Viv