Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Kind-of crawling caught on tape, plus some waving

Hey, crawling and waving is big news. Here is the video I took earlier this morning especially for the Grandmas out there feeling the Holiday/Family confluence needs.

And the commentary off the flickr page:

Just trying to capture some of the early attempts and signs of crawling. I really believe we have little time left before she's scooting all over the house. Wanted to get this video shot and posted before she was full-tilt-boogie.

For the Grandmas, for X-mas.

Enjoy moving pictures on the holidays,



Anonymous said...

Oh Myyyyyyy! And she's waving to us, too!!! Hiiii Yaaa, Vivivivivivivi!! Looks like she's a swimmer, too! and just durn happy, watching you talk and point that funny blinking light at you.
We needed a lift and this was it! what a great christmas eve present -- loving you all, povi

Catherine Just said...
