Wednesday, June 17, 2009

First Dinner out and a few randoms

Went to McMenamins with Ms. Tammy last night for a good beer and burger. They have Oregon country beef (free range with no nasties in it) and the best Hefewiesen (Wheat beer they call it) in town, in my opinion. Plus it's a funky, Deadhead decorated local joint that we love to support.

The BB did great in her first official outing to a dinner joint despite the fact it was early evening or the dreaded Sundowner baby fussy McFussypants time for Miss Viv. She is getting somewhat used to the car seat. This is good since we're going to be spending a lot of time in the car seat headed to Sac for crazy Landis family gathering in July.

On to the snaps!


Just chilling in the car seat. Gotta love the deadhead decorations. Sheesh, you should see the INSIDE!

Auntie Tammy making eyes at the BB...such a cutie. Both of them really!


More belly time later in the evening for Ms. Viv. This is mere MOMENTS before she rolled over for the first time. No repeat performance as of yet, but it's great incentive to get her more belly time! Plus, she looks like Walter added bonus!

(as an aside...MOM (nana povi) comes tomorrow! We are excited!)

Enjoy your Wednesday!



Anonymous said...

One last look at Vivi before heading out to the airport. She's readier and readier to explore her world. Great shots in the cool restaurant -- Tammy looks like the perfect aunt! see you soon! va momma

girl cousins said...

McMenamins! yummy.

Good Reverend said...

That first time rolling over is often more like falling onto your back while lying down, but it still counts.