Thursday, May 21, 2009

Newberg, Israel and the Bebeh

Can we catch up, can we? Can we get to present day photos by the weekend? We shall see.

Here is another set. Pictured below is our Super Hero friend Israel. It's a long series of stories to explain the whole Super Hero thing, for now just take my word for it:

5/13/09 Israel and Bebeh

We took a drive out to Newberg today, to visit Israel and Rachael. Rach is pictured here, at our house holding the bebeh. This is Israel in his native environs.

5/13/09 Israel and Bebeh1

Another Israel and Bebeh picture. Looks like she has her scrunchy-face on.

5/13/09 Israel and Bebeh2

More Israel and Scrunchy-faced bebeh


Anonymous said...

wonderful wonderful!!! va momma

Catherine Just said...

He is so darned cute. And with your baby. Killing me.
Love that Viv is making the rounds with all of my old friends. Gives me a chance to see them too!!!!