Friday, April 17, 2009

Photos from yesterday, 4-16: Auntie Care and The Boss

My first full day gone went off without a hitch. Two aunties -- Alethea (below) and SJJ (that's what we actually call her, btw, not just some intartube moniker) came by and held the baby, and cleaned, and helped with baby's first bath (sorry about no pictures on that one, we'll remedy the "no baby bath pictures" situation soon). Apparently it was a smooth, fun, eventful day in the Baby Bubble (tm).

Also, a couple people from KT's work swung by. It was the day after D-day for them, so a celebratory baby-holding was in order.

Pictures below:

Auntie Alethea, one of the fine, fine helpers for the day.

Uncle Tad, who was thrilled to see Ms. Vivian

The Big Boss Kim -- our baby is a warm-up for Kim's next grandchild, due in July I believe.

Stephanie, also from KT's work -- whose daughter (nicknamed "Chiquita Banana" by Kt) is dying to come by and see the munchkin as well.

A great photo of Auntie Heidi. She is a preschool teacher and loves the kiddos. She was pulling off some good story telling by talking to the adults about this and that adult thing, but doing it as she was gazing at Vivian and in a storyteller voice. Vivian was absolutely enthralled. Then, later, when Ms. Viv was nursing nearby, Heidi was talking and Viv looked her way again -- obviously she has the magic voice.

Who knows, maybe more pictures today -- could be a bonus Friday.


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