Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Mentor Visits

BP's old mentor in men's work got ahold of him a few weeks ago and they arranged a visit after 10 years. It was nice to see him and his wife. Of course, we neglected to get a photo of him, but we'll get one from him since HE got one! Sheesh


Nancy is the wife of one of BP's manly mentors who recently got in touch with him. They drove up from Eugene in the blazing 87degree heat to sit around and chat with us. Of course, since Jim's an old school kind of guy, we totally forgot to take a picture of him.

Nancy did enough baby holding and loving for the both of them. Mother of 4, she obviously had some mad baby handling skills. She's also a great grandma too!

We'll get that picture of Jim posted as soon as we get one!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great name, Nancy. Looks like a great time, too. !! va momma