Thursday, April 2, 2009

40 weeks: the waiting game

Here we are...the fateful time has come. Or, that's what they tell me. For everyone out there in Tenantsea land, no baby yet!

The tenant is staunchly lounging on the couch eating bon-bons and refusing to vacate. That's all fine. Babies come when they wanna and I have been getting GOBS of rest in the face of impending sleeplessness.

Yesterday's trip to the BBdr (the lovely and talented Sara Oghushi) was far less eventful than expected. Not that I knew what to expect. The blood pressure is a little high (gee...maybe I should go BACK to work) but the leg swelling and tiredness is pretty much abated. There were some light induction techniques applied (you can go looking for "stripping the membranes" yourself if you really wanna) and mostly just an overall bill of good health. Which (THANKFULLY) has been par for the course this pregnancy.

It's been kind of difficult to update the blog as my computer gave a last and final gasp a couple of weeks ago. I was doing a bit of blog posting from work (ssssh!) there at the end but now am on Maternity leave so I am really thrown from my game. We'll work to keep you all posted as we can. Most of you know that BP is extremely communicative, so really, if no news is happening, he'll tell ya!

Thanks for all the support and as a salute to my momma's photo of me the day before I was born, BP and I did some recreation this morning! For your viewing pleasure, a BIG ole belly of baby.

KT and (soon to be moved out) Tenant


Catherine Just said...

love that photo - your face is in it. It's the only one I've seen with more then a belly! It's fabulous. and I notice the wall color in the background is lovely too. Nice work. Enjoy your down time. It's nice you have that and that BP is with you. Looking forward to the next post with a photo of the beautiful addition!
love you

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear the update and thrilled with the photo, makes time evaporate. Not, I suppose, what you want right now, though. Soon, soon, my luv...! You're doing all the right things, have all the right help and a super sidekick.
Sending you All much much love! yo momma