Saturday, February 7, 2009

Shout out to C the G and her lovely husband

It's a boy for the Seiner clan! She had her baby shower last weekend and then promptly went into labor (at 37 wks) and produced the child. Now THAT is quick turn around time!

Way to go Mama!

She, MAX HARRISON, and the proud Papa are delusional with love and lack of sleep but everyone is happy, health and home.

And the Oscar goes to Max for best impersonation of a Cabbage Patch doll in 2009:

Here also is the best supporting photo of a Papa and child:

Needless to say we are totally thrilled for them. I spoke with her the night before labor and ended up being out of town when she had him (Wednesday February 4th at 7:30 am). It was kind of unsettling to realize that babies can be born PRETTY MUCH ANY DAMN TIME THEY WANT TO, and that I was out of town, but we prevailed.

I wonder if baby showers induce labor? Hmmm...perhaps I'll have an move out notice tacked to my belly on March 2nd and then the baby and I can share a birthday!

Stay tuned true believers....just don't hold your breath!

Until later, let's all send a few well wishes and prayers to the newest Seiner on the block! He's gorgeous! Congratulations Cathrine and Jerry!

Lots love!

KT, BP and the Tenant


Catherine Just said...

Hey Thanks Katye!!!
And now that you mention it - a cabbage patch doll sure does fit with that photo of him! That is hilarious.
he's only 3 days old today but he already looks different!

Looking forward to seeing when your tenant moves out and then moves in!

Jerry, CtheG, and MAX!!
oh and pretty girl...of course

Anonymous said...

Virginia Love goes out to C the G and her Husband-Dear for being chosen by such a Little Sweetheart to share the future with!! And, from Maxson here to Max there, much love -- va momma maxson

Catherine Just said...

Thank you Va Momma Maxon!

That is so nice of you!